Twinsburg AYSO is seeking referees, youth and adult, to referee games in all age groups for the Spring 2025 season
Anyone 12 years old or older as of 7/31/2024
Mostly Saturdays with some Wednesday and Friday evenings. The season begins in April 1st and runs until May 17th.
Pay increases as you ref older divisions. U5 is $7.50 per game progressing to High School at $25 per game. u12 and u14 have 2 refs on the field.
Training: TBD. There is an in-person referee meeting you are required to attend. There is also online training that needs to be completed. Below are the requirements before needed to ref.
You do NOT need to complete these before
the in-person ref training.
Youth Refs need:
Registration (Parent creates account and invites them as an additional user)
Concussion Awareness
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Safe Haven
Adult Refs need: (anyone over 18 at the start of the season)
Background Check
Concussion Awareness
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Safe Haven
Safe Sport
If you're interested, please email Joe Koudelka at [email protected]